Material Processing
We have designed and manufactured torque limiters, wet brakes, and clutch couplings to keep your tire shredders, downhill conveyor brakes, and kiln drives operating safely and efficiently.
Clutch Couplings
By combining sprag type overrunning clutches to gear couplings, the result is the best combination of torque capability to bore capacity of any over-running clutch coupling available to industry. The quality, dependability, and performance of the PT Tech Overrunning Clutch Couplings and Gear Couplings have made them standards for heavy machine industries.
KDK Series Clutch Couplings
The high mechanical efficiency of modern rotary kilns allows relatively free reverse rotation (rollback) that can overspeed drive components. This presents a danger to equipment and personnel in that uncontrolled rollback can result in centrifugal explosion of these components. The PT Tech KDK Kiln Drive Coupling provides a simple, reliable, and economical method of controlling kiln roll back.